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Competitor of the 5th International Talking Birds Championship of Poland «PARROT CHAT» — Arthur the amazon from Poland — video no. 3

You have a talking parrot? Take part in the contest! Simply fill in the entry form on papuziegadanie.pl/en

See other competition videos of Arthur:
Arthur the Singing Parrot — It’s Not a Joke! Shows off Singing La, La, La To Speedy Gonzalez Melody
Arthur the Singing Parrot — Isn’t He the Most Musical Amazon in the World?
Arthur the Talking Parrot — «Who Is So Pretty?» and Playing Peekaboo
Arthur the Talking Parrot Flaps Its Wings on Cue and Gives a Paw in Greeting
Arthur the Talking Parrot – Always Knows What Is Good
Arthur the Talking Parrot –»Who Can Laugh Like Me?»
Arthur the Talking Parrot Wishes you a Happy Parrot Valentine’s Day
Arthur the Talking Parrot Knows How to Gather All Family Round

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Опубликовано 5 октября 2019

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