Как трогать и ласкать попугая

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To learn more about consequences of crossing the border of a good, friendly touch, and what it leads to, watch our video “Aggression in Parrots — Hormones, Wrong Touch and Other Reasons And 10 Tips on How to Eliminate This Aggression”  where we better explicate the term “wrong touch”, which in this video was treated somewhat schematically.
We also invite to watch other videos from the Aggression in Parrots series:
“Aggression in Parrots and Their Diet” 
“Aggression in Parrots and Bad Training”
Watch also our video “Hierarchy in Parrots And Do Our Pets Attempt to Dominate Us?” 
The general article “How to Raise a Parrot” 
and our video “Don’t Bring up the Parrot-terrorist “ may be helpful as well.

Starring among others parrots from the Parrot Shop in Warsaw, Poland.

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Опубликовано 19 апреля 2019

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