Питание попугаев – Часть 3

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Просим прощения. Мы прилагаем усилия, чтобы постепенно добавлять русские переводы наших фильмов. Почти все наши видео уже имеют польские и английские субтитры, а здесь вы найдете список фильмов с русскими субтитрами.

Starring blue-and-yellow macaw from the Parrot Shop in Warsaw, Poland.
This is the third part of the «Parrot Diet» series in which you can find recipes for parrot scrambled eggs , germinated seeds and milky seeds
We also invite you to watch:
— the first part  about complementing their diet with vegetables, fruit and greens (our national ones — from our meadows and fields) and about how to teach our «picky eaters» eating fruit and vegetables.
— the second part  that explains the importance of grits and clays in food digestion as well as the necessity to supplement diet with minerals and vitamins
-and the fourth one in which you can find out what products shouldn’t be served to parrots

Опубликовано 21 апреля 2017

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