Питание попугаев – Часть 4

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Просим прощения. Мы прилагаем усилия, чтобы постепенно добавлять русские переводы наших фильмов. Почти все наши видео уже имеют польские и английские субтитры, а здесь вы найдете список фильмов с русскими субтитрами.

Starring the Blue-and-Gold macaw from the Parrot Shop in Warsaw, Poland.
This is the fourth part of the «Parrot Diet» series in which you can find out what products shouldn’t be served to parrots
We also invite you to watch:
part 1: about complementing their diet with vegetables, fruit and greens (our national ones — from our meadows and fields) and about how to teach our «picky eaters» eating fruit and vegetables.
part 2:  that explains the importance of grits and clays in food digestion as well as the necessity to supplement diet with minerals and vitamins
— and part 3:  in which you can find recipes for parrot scrambled eggs , germinated seeds and milky seeds

Опубликовано 2 мая 2017

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