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Are harnesses a fun or a torture for little parrots? We present counter-arguments for anti-harnessers who want to deprive them of this essential element of their welfare. However, remember that harnessing parrots which are not fully tame, is a torture for them.
We also invite you to the Parrot Blog to read the article “Parrot Anti- harnessers Are Like Anti-vaxxers” (in Polish only) about what else, apart from harness weight, the Polish anti- harnessers are driven by.

We also invite you to watch our videos: «Parrot Harnesses» , «How To Put a Harness on Your Parrot» (from this video you will get to know not only how to put the harness on but also how to choose the right harness and which parrots should not be put in harnesses) and „How to Get Parrot Used to Harness”.

Remember that harnesses are not meant for flying but can be used in preparation for free flights. We invite you to read the article «Parrot Harness and Free Flight» on Parrot Blog (in Polish only).

Harnesses for parrots from budgerigars to macaws can be bought in Parrot Shop in Warsaw and on PAPUGI.sklep.pl

Просим прощения. Мы прилагаем усилия, чтобы постепенно добавлять русские переводы наших фильмов. Почти все наши видео уже имеют польские и английские субтитры, а здесь вы найдете список фильмов с русскими субтитрами.

Опубликовано 22 мая 2022

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