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Просим прощения. Мы прилагаем усилия, чтобы постепенно добавлять русские переводы наших фильмов. Почти все наши видео уже имеют польские и английские субтитры, а здесь вы найдете список фильмов с русскими субтитрами.

Starring Coati from the bygone offer of the Center of Exotixs in Warsaw, the owner of the Parrot Shop. PAPUGI.com.pl/en
Coatis have been classified as alien species in the European Union and, currently, purchasing or keeping them at homes is forbidden. Private owners who already own them are allowed to keep them until their natural death provided that they are kept in an isolated facility and appropriate measures have been taken in order to prevent them from reproduction or escape.
EU member states can offer the owners, who are not able to fulfil these requirements, a transfer of the animals e.g. to appropriate sanctuaries, taking into account their welfare.

Опубликовано 29 июня 2016

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