Mary’s Mixed Parrot Collection

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A video by Maria Zając who presents her collection and tells us about what it is like to keep parrots of different species. We know that many of you create such collections. We are not supporters of such combinations, what we explained in the “Matching Parrots — Part 2 — Companion of Another Species” video But if you have already created such collections, we hope that you thought of having the possibility to separate parrots immediately after you notice some conflict between them, or when they mature, as Maria plans to do.

We would also like to invite you to watch our how-to videos on parrot mating:
Matching Parrots – Part 1- Companion For Your Pet
Matching Parrots – Part 2 – Companion of Another Species
Matching Parrots — Part 3 — Ways to Proceed
Matching Parrots — Part 4 — Matching Parrots – Part 4 – Creating Home-Breeding
Interspecies friendship – how is it possible?
Matching Parrots – Most Common Errors

Posted on 17 June 2021

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