What’s Happened? – Asking a Little Parakeet from Ukraine

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#war #Ukraine —- The video is subtitled in English —-
War in Ukraine is making its impact on every area of life. Both people and animals are suffering. We show this pain on the example of Michael the budgerigar from Dnipro.

We understand that you will certainly approach this video very emotionally, so we decided to disable the comments section as our goal is to deliver the appeal from this video to as many of our viewers as possible in Russia and Belarus, who have no free media in their countries. We wouldn’t want to provide an argument to block the video because of uncensored words. That is why we request you to like and share this video. And if you wish to give vent to your anger, do it under Michael’s competition video by liking it: “Michael the Talking Bugdie From Ukraine” https://youtu.be/g83j1oWW6tQ We hope that with our call, parrot lovers in these countries, who watch our channel, will not remain indifferent to the fate of their neighbours. Thank you for support and understanding.

Edit: On 10 March, we received a message from Elizabet that she had evacuated to Romania, safe and sound. Unfortunately, with a torn heart, she was forced to leave Michael with her sick mother, as they would not have survived the hardships of this journey under fire.

Posted on 4 March 2022

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