Free-flights group in Australia – parrots’ homeland – Part1

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As free-flights have become popular, this video tackles important issues for those, who wonder if their parrots could also fly and return like it is recently shown on videos on social media.
Coming soon: part 2 – “Can my parrot also fly like this?” in which the founder of the Australian free-flight movement will tell you if every parrot can free fly as these from the Australian “Get flocked” group.

We also invite you to watch our previous videos about free-flying:
Parrots Jamboree – Part One – On the campsite
Parrots Jamboree – Part Two – Free flights’ day 
Parrots Jamboree – Part Three – Can my parrot also fly like this? 

and as summer is just around the corner, we also invite you to watch our series “Care for Parrots in Summer Time”:
part 1 – Parrot fly jumps and harnesses 
part 2 – Cage in the Open Air 

Posted on 6 May 2018

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